Celebrating 65 Years – OA Birthday Event
Central Presbyterian Church 3829 Grand Ave, Des Moines, Iowa, United StatesFLYER
When: 3:00 PM, Face – to – Face MeetingAddress: 309 Elm Street, Atlantic, IA 50022 Meeting Materials: OA Twelve Steps and Twelve Traditions, Second Edition are also available in Large Print, For Today, and Voices of Recovery Contact Person: Karen W. 815-263-5429
Meeting ID: 54454When/Where: 5:30 PM – Hybrid Meeting (Face-to-Face + Zoom Meeting)Address: Windsor Presbyterian Church, 6301 University Ave, Windsor Heights, IA 50324 Focus: Discussion/Speaker on last Sunday of the month. Meeting Materials: OA Approved Literature E-book formats available on: Meeting format: Leader Script Prayer/s: Serenity Prayer, OA…
Meeting ID: 54998When/Where: 5:30 -6:30 PM, Face-to-Face.Address: First United Methodist Church, 1620 N. Adams St. Carroll, IA 51401. Focus: Big Book, Step Study, and Work Book Study Meeting Meeting Materials: Alcoholics Anonymous (Fourth Edition), (also in Large Print), Twelve Steps and Twelve Traditions (1st or 2nd Edition) and approved…
Where: Zoom Only, Meeting ID: 883 9853 1479, Passcode: 246121, https://us02web.zoom.us/j/88398531479?pwd=WUJmRHFZd3VUMDNPYzF6SkhmTFNvQT09, Phone option: 312-626-6799 Readings: Tuesday leader script and business meeting formats ,“How it Works”, Alcoholics Anonymous, Fourth Edition on pages 58-60, “Our Invitation to You”, Twelve Traditions, Tools of Recovery, Abstinence Definition. Last 2 Paragraphs, Alcoholics Anonymous, Fourth…
When/Where: 5:00 PM - Face-to-FaceSt. John’s Lutheran Church, 402 Lake Ave. Storm Lake, IA 50588Focus: OA Twelve Steps and Twelve Traditions. Meeting Materials: OA Twelve Steps and Twelve Traditions also in Large Print E-book formats available on: