Not sure that Overeaters Anonymous is right for you? Take the OA Quiz to find out.

We suggest attending a meeting to listen and talk to other members. You can ask a member to be temporary sponsor to guide and support you. We also encourage you to attend at least six different meetings to help decide whether OA is for you or not. We recommend you get phone numbers and talk to OA members. Call and ask a member to be a temporary sponsor who will help and support you while you begin. When you are ready, you may continue with your temporary sponsor or look for a sponsor that has what you want and ask if he/she would be available to guide you as you work the steps of the Overeaters Anonymous program.

This is not a “diet” club. No dues or fees are required. You can begin by reading our pamphlet,  “Where Do I Start?”. (Now available as a Free Download )

Finding a Sponsor

Newcomer Information

You can find this information and much more at, Your Journey Begins

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