The primary purpose of Central Iowa Intergroup is to carry the message of Overeaters Anonymous, in service to the members/meetings in Central Iowa:

  • By fostering the practice of the Twelve Steps and Twelve Traditions of Overeaters Anonymous. 
  • Guided by the Twelve Concepts of OA Service; and 
  • To serve and represent member groups and/or Intergroups. 

What does Central Iowa Intergroup do for your meeting? 

  • Offers special events each year to support members’ abstinence, sponsorship, and learning about the 12 steps, traditions, and spiritual principles of our OA program. 
  • Serves as a pipeline to communicate directly with other Intergroups, Region 4, and World Service Office (WSO). 
  • Sends a representative to Region 4 where representatives and officers share effective ways to build abstinence, retain members, enhance sponsorship, and other vital issues through Region 4 Assemblies & Conventions. 
  • Sends a representative to World Service Business Conference to be our Intergroup’s voice in decisions made at WSBC that affect OA at all levels of our fellowship. 
  • Maintains a post office box, website, and social media for internal and external communications. 

Please contact Kayla at [email protected] if you are interested in coming to a meeting.

Any OA member is welcome to come to a meeting.

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